A closer look at CONCAMO DARK – AMNB Spotlight

Introducing – CONCAMO DARK

We’re happy to show you this all new pattern out of the smithy at CONCAMO/GHOSTHOOD first hand. The so called “DARK” pattern has been seen a few times already as used on their larger camouflage net system for vehicles and others etc.

The company used it as “stripes” to break the structure and to make those nets even more effective for short to mid distances.

Now, for the first time this pattern can be seen and purchased as a standalone product. Is this exciting you ask? Well, if you’re into the camouflage game and follow CONCAMO/GHOSTHOODs way of design and structure, I would say yes! This is new and extends their line of patterns +1.


The following pictures have just been taken and I think they speak for themselves… (click to enlarge them)!

The DARK pattern is currently available as RAW material only. What does this mean? The so called “CRUSH-FABRIC” as listed in their product offer is RAW material from their Ghost ULTRA LIGHT (80g/m²) fabric. It is usable for various DIY projects and to make your own camouflage cover for whatever you want.

It also comes with their established crumpled look which supports the already outstanding working pattern.

No, it’s not a typical camo net that you can use right out of the box. It’s RAW material that needs to be worked the way you like to have it. Keep that in mind when ordering guys!


  • Width: approx. 150 cm
  • Total length: approx. 3m
  • IRR colors – full protection
  • 100% Polyester

At this very moment, the company told us that no future products like their currently available Ghost-Hoodie, Sniper-Veil, Rilfe-Camo etc. are planned to be produced in DARK. What a shame I say but it’s not the end of all days… we keep you updated if something changes on this end.

The CONCAMO-DARK CRUSH-FABRIC can be purchased from their web shop along all other available patterns if you like to.

They ship all over Europe, the United States and Canada. 

Grab yours >> www.ghost-hood.com/Crush-Fabric

More product news from CONCAMO/GHOSTHOOD on our blog, can be found here!

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